Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Television- A New Outlet for User Generated Content

The Sims--a world where gamers create their own virtual people and allow them to live there life, acting like the hand of God. It's is the gamer's realm of user generated content because almost everything, from the home your Sim lives in to the relationships you create with fellow Sims, is built and designed solely by users. But now, Sim's creator Will Wright, is in talks with CurrentTV to develop a show called The Creation Project.

The Creation Project, which is a steep departure from Wright's gaming background, will be a hold step in audience participation, according to IGN. Basically, it's a TV show about the creation of a TV show, and it is speculated the viewers will be able to submit story suggestions online and via mobile devices. Where does Wright play in to this idea?

Wright is designing the online/mobile user experience fostering creation and submission of story ideas through a "story maker engine." It has been suggested the show could air by the end of the year, with online components going live before air date. Yet since the project is still in the earlier development stages, the user participation experience could veer from this current path.

In a world where consumers are demanding more content, many have taken it upon themselves to create it. Passive TV watching is a way of the past, and active user engagement is the pathway to the future. This will be an excellent experiment in meshing the worlds of content producers and user generated content to develop a hybrid content experience.

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