Friday, March 26, 2010

Apple Owners will bring iPad to Life

The numbers gathered by market research firm NPD come as no surprise.  They have found iPad awareness is highest among current Apple owners (82%), consumers with income over $100,000 (80%) and 18-34 year olds (78%).  Only 27% of 18-34 year olds and 24% of Apple owners surveyed expressed any real interest in owning the iPad.  

With these numbers of only around 24% of Apple owners being showing any significant interest in the product, who will it fare with content offerings?  This really begs the question, will it be worth it for content creators/publishers, such as newspapers, magazines and video, to even provide content for the device.  The Wall Street Journal, People Magazine, Sport Illustrated and The New York Times have already jumped on board, with other book publishers.  Yet many are holding out.  Random House has not yet bought into the iPad hype, and neither has Google's AdMob mobile advertising unit.  Many are sitting on the fence, waiting to see if the iPad will live up to all its supposed game-changing glory.  

I must say, I fall into the extremely interested category because I am current Apple owner and brand loyalist.  I've been in the market for a tablet computer, but have been waiting for Apple's product offering because I want my computer, phone, music player and tablet device to all streamline together.  It's good that people are skeptical, but up to a point.  With too many skeptics, it sets up the product to ultimately fail.   

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