Friday, March 26, 2010

Chasing the Mobile Platform

In an AdAge Poll this week, they ask the question, Are marketers wasting online budgets by focusing so much on apps rather than the mobile web? While this is great potential for apps, with the multitude of smartphone platforms from iPhone's to the new Android, it becomes difficult for marketers to decide which platform to create an app for.

Most developers will opt for the iPhone platform. There are many benefits, such as having over 21 million users and a streamlined App Store for easy purchase downloads.

Many advertisers have been jumping on the App wagon without thinking about the relevance of an app to their business. In order for an app to work in a company's favor, it needs to be relevant and serve a specific purpose. I find myself constantly downloading apps and then deleting them because they waste by screen real estate. A multitude of companies woud be better served by developing mobile webpages. They will operate on all smartphone platforms, not just apps created for a specific phone. There are many hurdles that need to be overcome, but there is a great breadth of opportunities to create streamlined mobile web experiences for customers that need to easily seek information on the go.

Apps are the buzz word in mobile marketing, but to what benefit? When deciding whether to dive in, you must ask yourself, is this relevant to my brand? Am I just here because everyone else is? When developing a mobile strategy, make sure you think about the scope of the business and the target audience. Don't just chase a platform because it exists because it will ultimately lead to an ineffectual, weak campaign.

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